MCF Test fixtures for printed circuit boards and electronic assemblies
Our test fixtures are used in the manufacturing electronic industry for testing and programming electronic printed circuit boards and end-of-line test of products. We have our own standard fixtures but we also expand PCB fixtures from Ingun, ATX, GPS and other manufacturers.

- PCB test adapter from low cost to high end
- Expansion and execution according to customer requirements
- Automated reading of the PCB drilling data
- Standard fixture with exchange magazines
- HF adapter for WLAN, Bluetooth, GSM
- Contacting from below, above and behind
MCF Highlights at a glance
- Test adapter for production and development
- Table adapter with interchangeable inserts
- Inline adapter
- Adapters for display tests
- Adapter for 24/7 operation
Fields of application of our test fixtures
Our test fixtures are used in the following industrial sectors:
Electronics manufacturing, automotive technology, medical technology, industrial automation, development, laboratory.
The focus of our adapters is in the following areas:
Functional test of electronic modules, in-circuit test, boundary scan test, programming of electronic modules.